Financial Infidelity and the CDFA®
Financial infidelity is real! Up to 31% of US adults admit lying to their spouses/partners about money.
Continuing Education (CE) Credit with the Institute of Divorce Financial Analysts (IDFA™) - 1 CE
Financial Infidelity and the CDFA®
Up to 31% of US adults admit lying to their spouses/partners about money. Hidden bank accounts, purchases and debt are a devastating betrayal of trust. Called financial infidelity, this behavior often has a serious impact on a relationship. The motives behind it may be” innocent” enough (or not), but the consequences are often costly beyond the dollars and cents.
Attend this webinar featuring Nancy Hetrick to learn…
What exactly is financial infidelity?
What are the red flags to watch for?
What causes financial infidelity?
What are the potential outcomes of this behavior?
How can it be prevented?
How can professionals support their clients?